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You're looking at a first draft of the screen that will be displayed on stage

Explore the current draft of the script in the sidebar to the right.

This black oblong is where the video call will be displayed.

To focus on just the draft script, please open this page on a mobile phone, or reduce the width of your browser window.

'It's Just What You Do' is a hybrid digital interactive play, with one actor performing on stage to a live audience and the other joining via video call.

The page you're looking at demonstrates the work-in-progress "desktop" that will be visible to the audience. This preview version is "single player", so you simply click the options that you want to explore - it's basically a choose-your-own-adventure situation. In the live version, the audience will use a mobile web page to cast votes, and the most popular option will be chosen.

During the performance, the sidebar to the right will display a feed of IRL news headlines. These are indicated in the script as "News:"

Dank memes
Doom box
Boom box