Ecological biases and challenges to inclusivity
6th December 2022
Found this in my Notion, notes on a piece of writing I wasn't able to develop because I got sick.
Research is normally seen as a top-down process, and issues around representation in game dev and other media forms are seen this way at well. Community consultation is about extracting knowledge from, rather than in relationship with. The same happens with the depiction of the built world. Who is in relationship WITH the material they are portraying? Who has lived craft relationship experience?
Reading list
- Linda Tuhiwai Smith, Decolonising Methodologies
- Shawn Wilson, Research is Ceremony: Indigenous Research Methods
- Vibrant Matter, Jane Bennett, and/or Thousand Plateaus - blacksmiths discovered the anatomical structure of seals because they knew the material.
- Ways of knowing - lived experience, material sense of knowing the world, ways of seeing things, figurations
- To be a craftsperson is to have a relationship with the material and to know it through day after day experience
- Maggie Nelson and Rebecca Solnit on authorship myth
- Tim Ingold
- Donna Haraway (masculinity of the unbiased Modest Witness, advocating for entangled knowledges as string figures becoming with)
- David Abram Becoming Animal
- Arjun Appadurai, the Social Life of Things